Visa Lighting's Approach to Behavioral Health Lighting

Behavioral Health Lighting by Visa LightingIn recent years, the conversation surrounding mental health has gained momentum, prompting a reevaluation of how we design spaces to support well-being. In this blog, we delve into Visa Lighting's unique perspective on behavioral health lighting, exploring how we balance safety protocols with the creation of comforting, empathetic environments.

Visa’s Commitment

At Visa Lighting, we are dedicated to crafting lighting solutions that are robust yet non-institutional in style. Recognizing the importance of aesthetics in improving the patient experience with behavioral health environments, we've created luminaires which promote a sense of calmness. We integrate our sleek designs seamlessly with state-of-the-art technology. This commitment goes beyond mere functionality, aiming to enhance the overall experience of patients, their families, and staff within these environments.

Navigating Safety Protocols and Comfort

One of the challenges in designing lighting for behavioral health facilities lies in navigating the balance between safety protocols and creating a comforting atmosphere. Visa Lighting tackles this challenge head-on by employing a holistic approach that prioritizes both physical and emotional well-being. By incorporating elements such as glare-free lighting, tunable lighting technology, RGB color-changing options for color therapy, and circadian rhythm regulation, we demonstrate that our lighting solutions not only meet stringent safety requirements but also foster a sense of calm and security.

Impact Testing

Impact Testing at Visa LightingOne element that sets Visa Lighting apart is our rigorous in-house impact testing protocols. These measures have been established to assess the durability and safety of our products and ensure they meet or exceed impact and ligature resistance requirements. Understanding the unique challenges posed by behavioral health environments, we go above and beyond to ensure that our lighting solutions can withstand the demands of these settings without compromising on performance or aesthetics. This commitment to quality assurance underscores Visa Lighting's role as a trusted partner in enhancing healing environments for individuals with behavioral health needs.

NYS-OMH Requirements and Nightingale Awards

As a testament to our commitment to excellence, we collaborate closely with the New York State Office of Mental Health (NYS-OMH) to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations. Our efforts have been recognized through prestigious accolades such as the Nightingale Awards, which celebrate innovation and excellence in healthcare design. These endorsements serve as a testament to our dedication to elevating the standards of behavioral health lighting.

Behavorial Health RoomLighting the Way to a Compassionate Future

Visa Lighting's approach to behavioral health lighting sets a new standard for innovation, combining cutting-edge technology with human-centered design principles to create environments that are not only safe and functional but also comforting and empathetic. As we continue to prioritize mental health in our built environments, we are illuminating the path towards a brighter, more compassionate future.

Learn more about our behavioral health lighting here.
